Milou En Mai

Milou En Mai

Louis Malle’s last French film Milou en Mai balances comedy and politics as it deals with a bickering family at the height of the May 1968 demonstrations.

Nominated for the 1991 BAFTA for Best Film Not in the English Language. The Vieuzac family’s matriarch has died. Her son (Michel Piccoli), a sexagenarian aristocrat with little knowledge of what the real world beyond his country estate is like, attempts to organise a funeral for his mother. However, the social upheavals in Paris have spread into the country and play havoc with his plans. Meanwhile, his family are waging their own war, albeit against each other. With a playful score by jazz legend Stephan Grappeli and a script by Malle and Luis Buñuel-regular Jean-Claude Carrière, Milou en Mai is one of the last delights from a remarkable filmmaker.

Directed by
Runtime 107 Minutes
Release date 1990
  • Certification: 15