Unfolding on an Earth that has long seen its land and seas frozen over, the sole human inhabitants exist aboard a train whose tracks circle the planet and whose energy derives from it moving in perpetual motion. The train is also a microcosm of the extinct world, with the wealthy enjoying a comfortable existence at the front of the train, which is driven by their elusive leader Wilford (Ed Harris), while the larger mass of the locomotive’s population exists on threadbare resources at the back, their work contributing to their masters’ luxurious lifestyle. But change is afoot. Led by Curtis (Chris Evans, ‘Knives Out’), his brother (Jamie Bell) and a wizened and wise old man (John Hurt), the people at the back feel the spirit of revolt. With the aid of the engineer who helped create the train (Bong Joon-Ho regular Song Kang-ho) and against the threats of Wilfred’s spokesperson (an hilarious Tilda Swinton), life looks set to change aboard the Snowpiercer.
★★★★ “Snowpiercer works brilliantly, the sum of extremely disparate parts that adds up to cinematic excellence.” - Andrew Pulver, The Guardian