Set in the French Pyrenees, Ivul is an intriguing family drama in which the intense relationship between teenage siblings Alex and Freya incurs the rage of their authoritarian father. After a huge quarrel, Alex climbs onto the roof of the house and vows never again to set foot on the earth. He lives out a brief and dramatic life in exile, looking down upon a family that he loves but is too stubborn to return to. Acclaimed artist and filmmaker Andrew Kötting is one of contemporary cinema’s most idiosyncratic, visionary and original directors. Inspired by his childhood memories, Kötting’s film is an intoxicating and ambitious combination of fascinating narrative, magical realism and vertiginous performance art.
★★★★★ “Ivul is a tantalizing drama about the hopeful-but-haunted ways we come up with to stumble through life.” The Telegraph